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Přečtěte si všechny recenze na Flatio od nájemníků a majitelů nebo získejte svou vlastní zkušenost. Je to bezpečné a jednoduché.

Martin M. Nájemník
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16.03.2021 Bratislava
Violaine L. Nájemník
Achar apartamentos bonitos e bem mobilados com contas inclusas
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16.03.2021 Lisabon
Benedecki Z. Nájemník
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16.03.2021 Budapešť
Ewa K. Nájemník
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16.03.2021 Porto
Glenn E. Nájemník
Cheaper and a nicer user experience than Air BnB.
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25.02.2021 Calheta
Lukáš Š. Nájemník
zlepsit snad jedine len rychlejsi prisun teplej vody do iuzby s vlastnym umyvadlom a sprchou....
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15.03.2021 Brno
Francisco R. Nájemník
Facilidade de reserva, localização e preço.
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15.03.2021 Lisabon
Benyák A. Nájemník
Hogy akár 2 gyerekeimel is fogad a szálas van rá lehetőség
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15.03.2021 Budapešť
Conde R. Nájemník
i really love this site
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15.03.2021 Budapešť
Ivana S. Nájemník
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14.03.2021 Praha
Khder E. Nájemník
It is a very flexible and helpful method, I would recommend everyone to use it.
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14.03.2021 Praha
Russell Iadevaia And S. Nájemník
No deposit, seeing the lease up front is fantastic! Being able to cancel lease with 30 day notice.
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13.03.2021 Lisabon
Vass C. Nájemník
Gyors foglalás
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13.03.2021 Budapešť
Ricardo V. Majitel
I like Flatio, don't like the way you charge for rent (not considering the special prices). It doesn't make any sense, it only "damages" landlords.
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12.03.2021 Nazaré
Ramiro F. Majitel
maior rapidez no pagamento.
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12.03.2021 Lagos
Rogelio A N. Nájemník
Good quality properties, ease of use, good website, cuetuner service is good.
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05.03.2021 Lagos
Sacha B. Nájemník
Everything is perfect with this website, it is quite easy to use as well as the customer service being very efficient
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10.03.2021 Praha
Rogelio A N. Nájemník
very easy to use and needed for visa applications for longstays.
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20.11.2020 Lagos
Slavomir S. Nájemník
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12.03.2021 Praha
Alexandra M. Nájemník
Pontos beköltözés és kiköltözés dátumát meg lehet határozni
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12.03.2021 Budapešť
Sacha B. Nájemník
La simplicité du site. La sécurité du site. Les propositions d'appartement très correctes.
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05.12.2020 Praha
Milena M. Nájemník
Flexibilita, nájem bez kauce, a poplatku, vyřizovaní přes internet, ne jen ČR,
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12.03.2021 Praha
Iva D. Nájemník
Include an option to have more than one person be the signatory of the lease contract, as this is sometimes needed to prove residence to the authorities.
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11.03.2021 Praha
Paulo B. Nájemník
Eu não conhecia a Flatio. Surgiu-me no Facebook. Pelo que vi parece ser uma plataforma de alugueres muito interessante. Se for aquilo que aparenta ser, poderemos ser clientes durante muito tempo.
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11.03.2021 Armação de Pêra