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Landlords profile photo
Tamas G.
Srdečný pronajímatel
Zkušený pronajímatel
Srdečný pronajímatel
Zkušený pronajímatel
Zobrazit medailonek
Neověřené nabídky 1
StayProtection + Stay Benefits Ověřeno nájemníky
31. 8. - 29. 9. (30 dní)
28  / noc
Včetně všech služeb
O mně
I've been renting my apartment for quite a while now, when I used to live abroad for years it was advertised on Airbnb, and I also had to search for mid/long-term apartments. I had brilliant experiences both side but now looking at more mid-term rentals instead. Currently I'm living a few blocks away, so I can help at any time if needed.
Záliby a koníčky
I'm a marketing professional during the every-day life working for the biggest music festival in Hungary. I love travelling, visited 51 countries so far and still counting. I usually go for hikes and I do other sports as well, eg. playing as a goalkeeper in an 11-aside team.

Naposledy online
23 hodin
Registrace na Flatio
August 2023

Tamas je ověřený majitel.
Co to znamená?