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Espais Blaus A.
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Srdečný pronajímatel
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O mně
Espais Blaus is a family business located in Barcelona with more than a decade of experience in tourist and temporary rentals. As a family business, we like to take care of our guests and offer them warm and direct customer service. Receiving you and making you feel at home in our facilities is our mission and vocation. At Espais Blaus, we have a wide range of flats available for temporary rental. This type of rental is perfect for anyone who wants to stay in Barcelona city for a specific period of time (from 1 to 11 months) but who needs to feel at home and wants to enjoy all the comforts and privacy offered by renting a home. To respond to the needs of everyone staying in our rentals, we offer complementary services including storage room rentals, home cleaning services, the provision of supplies, and Wi-Fi network access, among other services.

Naposledy online
30 dní
Registrace na Flatio
September 2023

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